Upcoming for spring/summer 2024—performance of Intimacy Beckons Us Back at the Tech Interactive IMAX, San Jose; presentation on climate change pedagogy at Design Research Society (DRS) 2024, Boston; presentation of short paper Textual Bodies: AI, Natural Language Processing, and the Erotic Landscape and exhibition of Post-Natural Pastorale at ISEA2024: Everywhen, Brisbane, Australia; presentation on art and biotech at SynBioBeta 2024, San Jose; invitee at A Thousand Forests, Culture Council, Emerson Collective; co-edited special issue journal Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures; and residency at Leonardo@Djerassi.

Sue Huang is a new media artist whose work addresses collective experience. Her research explores ecological intimacies, human/nonhuman relations, and speculative futures. She is currently working on the project Total Archive, a performance installation about a time capsule from the future. This project is supported by Leonardo@Djerassi for 2024.

Huang has exhibited nationally and internationally, including at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), Los Angeles; the Contemporary Arts Center (CAC) in Cincinnati; Philadelphia Contemporary; ISEA in Montreal; and Ars Electronica in Linz, Austria; GBA in Brooklyn; among others. She has previously been an artist-in-residence at LMCC on Governors Island, Creative Science at NEW INC, and the Studios at MASS MoCA. Huang has received funding and project support from Science Sandbox, Rhizome, the James Irvine Foundation (MOCA, Los Angeles), and Creative Scotland (NEoN), the UConn Humanities Institute, among others.

She received her MFA in Media Arts from the Department of Design Media Arts at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and her BS in Science, Technology, and International Affairs from the Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. She is an assistant professor of Digital Media and Design at the University of Connecticut.
